Home for Holistic Healing & Higher Consciousness

Mind 🔥 Body 🔥 Soul


Hello and Welcome!

My name is Dr. Phil Meyers

I have spent my life studying and mastering the Healing Arts of Reiki, Remote Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Tantra, Therapy, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, EFT tapping, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Polarity Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Mind body hacking, Energy Clearing, Shamanic Healing and Mind Body Medicine.

My goal is to bring to you the results of these SELF-EMPOWERING Arts to help you take control of your health and life. A life that is able to Transform sickness and ill-health into a Life that expresses a Body and Mind that is always supporting you in growth and abundant vitality. ​

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and vitality? Contact me today to book your remote energy work and coaching sessions. Together, we will unlock your body’s innate healing potential and help you thrive in all aspects of your life. Remember, vibrant health and well-being are within your reach, and I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Let’s begin!


The Search: Wholistic Approach 

Are you looking to unlock your body’s natural healing potential and achieve optimal well-being? Look no further! I am thrilled to introduce you to a transformative and holistic approach to health and wellness. As a highly skilled and experienced practitioner in the field, I offer remote energy work and coaching that caters to both male and female clients.

Imagine a world where your physical, mental, and emotional well-being are seamlessly aligned and thriving. By harnessing the power of bioelectric fields, I can guide you on a journey towards balance and vitality. Whether you’re grappling with physical health issues like thyroid imbalances, adrenal dysfunction, hormonal disruptions, or autoimmune conditions, or seeking to enhance your mental and emotional energetic self, I have the expertise to help.


The Solution: Quantum Healing

With a diverse background in chiropractic care, clinical kinesiology, licensed massage therapy, exercise science, Reiki, acupuncture, and the healing arts, I bring a unique and integrated approach to your healing journey. I believe that true health encompasses a harmonious union of the body, mind, and spirit, and I am committed to facilitating your transformation on all these levels.

Through remote energy work, I can tap into the subtle energy systems of your body, facilitating the release of blockages, promoting energy flow, and restoring balance. This non-invasive and gentle technique allows me to address both the physical and energetic aspects of your being, leading to profound and lasting results.

In addition to energy work, my coaching services are tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Whether you seek guidance in managing stress, improving your nutrition, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, or cultivating emotional resilience, I will provide you with personalized strategies and support. Together, we will work towards optimizing your overall well-being and empowering you to take charge of your health.



The Why: Here are a few reasons:

1. Experience and Expertise: With a comprehensive background in various healing modalities, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical skills to the table. You can trust that you are in capable hands as I guide you through your healing journey.

2. Holistic Approach: I recognize that health is a multifaceted concept, encompassing the physical, mental, and emotional realms. By addressing all aspects of your being, I ensure that your healing is comprehensive and sustainable.

3. Personalized Care: Your well-being is my top priority. I take the time to understand your unique needs, challenges, and goals, tailoring my treatments and coaching sessions to suit you specifically.

4. Remote Convenience: Thanks to technological advancements, I can provide my services remotely, eliminating the need for you to travel or disrupt your routine. You can receive energy work and coaching sessions from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you best.

5. Empowerment and Education: I believe in empowering my clients with knowledge and tools to become active participants in their healing journey. I will educate you on self-care practices, lifestyle adjustments, and mindset shifts that will enable you to maintain your well-being long after our sessions conclude.


Become Empowered Again

My friends, Over the past 200 years the West has been exposed to many of the Ancient Healing Arts. Systems of Massage, Chinese medicine, Functional Medicine, Somatic Therapies, Energy Healing and Shamanic Practices.  This exposure to information, technology, and ancient wisdom has changed the way many see what is possible in Healing the Body and Mind.

Now, more than ever before, the Collective are becoming Woke to the Healing Techniques of the Body and Mind, and are taking the power back into their own hands and truly healing Them-Self.  

If this is you then you are in the right place.  

The Healing Techniques you will experience here will show you where you can take immediate actions to improve your Health and Ascension Process. As you step into the practices that open up the Channels of Healing the Body and Mind you will experience powerful fundamentals, and routines to accelerate your growth and Healing Process.

You will see and experience that you are the Empowered-One and that your wellbeing is truly in your hands. Just as you can change the Body through the power of the Mind. By healing the physical Body you build up and align the container, THE BODY, that harnesses the power of the Mind and Spirit.  

We live in a time where it’s essential to take the power of our Body back as we are woken up to the power of our Mind and what our race is capable of.  

You will build a road map and an understanding in your Mind on how the Body works and how to get the systems of the Body activated, communicating and integrating: Love, strength, power, and vitality.  Where it is possible to take this Energy and apply it to any area of your life, and cultivate and manifest the Life you’re passionate about living.

This is Healing at its finest. 

The Program: Holistic Healing

 You are about to move into a New Body and Mind- leaving the old one behind. Within you are the networks, chemicals, and energy signals that built you, nourish you, repair and energize you.

Through Self-Healing-Techniques and activating the Natural-Healing-Systems of the Body, you will cultivate more immunity, strength, flexibility, and brain power to live the Vital-Life you were hardwired to Live.

You are a Self-Loving, Self-Healing and Self-Governing Human-Being with infinite potential to do anything. You are a living and responsive being that learns and is impressed by experience. My goal is to help you turn on the Innate-Healing-Abilities that we are all born with.

This process is about Self-awareness and Self-actualization. It’s about discovering what you are capable of through implementing Functional-Healing-Tools to ReSet, ReWire and ReGenerate the Body’s Natural-Healing-Abilities.  

Through activating the Natural-Healing-Systems of the Body, you will cultivate more immunity, strength, flexibility, and brain power to live the Vital-Life you were hardwired to Live.

A Framework for Health

Neuroscience has shown us that we have a very intelligent and functional Body, that has a memory and communicates in different and amazing ways. Knowing how your Mind and Body do this and how to work with them, will turn on the Healing abilities, and will help you grow in new ways. 

The first thing to understand is that the Body is beautiful: both physically and energetically. Research is showing a video of a frog embryo with a pulsing ElectroMagneticField surrounding it.  And where this EMF is overlaid on the embryo, physical structures show up after the EMF pulses. So basically when the ElectroMagneticField Pulses actual anatomical structures show up. Like the eyes, ears, nose, organs, glands and spine.

This is the same field of energy that surrounds and is within you.  This is Your Body; Your Neurology, Neurochemistry, Sexuality, Sensuality, Vitality and Ecstasy!  This is your Mind and Body, and through applying the Healing Arts in our lives we awaken them to express our best Nature forward.

When this stagnant energy becomes chronic in the Body and Mind, a cascade of issues show up: Neck and back pain, headaches and insomnia, indigestion and heartburn, pain and fatigue, blood-pressure and heart-rate imbalance, thyroid and adrenal fatigue, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases, depression, mental stress and PTSD.   

When you apply Healing Techniques to the systems of the Body. Energy is restored.  Stagnancy is Dissolved. And a Healthy Vibrant Life is expressed.

This program is here to help bridge the gap in the learning process and directly tap you into the Body and its ability to heal Mind, Body and Soul. Think of me as your doctor, coach, nutritionist, inspiration, and your biggest fan to live a strong and vitalistic Life.  

Energy & The Body/Mind

Energy! Energy is life. From the moment of our conception we are moved and created in Energy.  Where our genetics express this Energy through all cells, tissues, organ-glands, muscles, joints, and Healing pathways. 

Energy rides these pathways and are affected by sensation, movement and Consciousness.  The more active and connected you become with the Energy moving through you the more conscious feedback you gain.

The nervous system is the information superhighway for every system of the Body. However, Modern medicine, especially in the West, looks at the nervous system as the anatomy only, and misses the functional applications of Healing that can be applied to the nervous system though physical and energetic Healing Techniques.

The nervous system is the power plant and carrier of Energy.  It is full of the essential nutrients that build and regenerate you.  From the head down to the pelvis, from the brain to the heart.  It is a system of perfect balance and abundance. 

But when the Energy of the Body is impaired, the ability to do its job is compromised. And since we can only get as healthy as your nervous system flow of Energy, a healthy nervous system that is vibrant, strong and exudes growth and health over time is crucial.  

In this program you will learn to locate and apply these self Healing Techniques on yourself and others. This will attune you with the Energy-Frequencies and abilities that strengthen and move with vigor through the Body and Mind.

Examples include: Faster Healing, ability to let go, less resistance to change, increased learning, general feeling of wellbeing, Stronger heart power, breathe control, increased nutritional absorption, increased waste elimination, increased core strength and increased watchfulness, focus, and relaxation of the entire Mind and Body.       

And so, The more free flowing and restorative the Body is, the greater Your Healing abilities are expressed. 

The Pillars of Health

The Brain-Heart-Gut-Network is the most important system for the Mind and Body. If this network is out of sync or compromised, then nutrition is wasted, waste accumulates and the organs, glands, brain power and muscles become weak, and fatigue extremely easily.  

Movement, activation, and integration of Healing techniques in our daily life is key to taking advantage of all the pillars to transform, re-educate, strengthen and empower your Body.

Our wellbeing depends on the three pillars: physical, neurochemical, and mental emotional. Putting together these 3 pillars in your self care system, you will see and experience the continual and Global Healing changes in your physiology, psychology and overall biology day by day. 

Pillar #1: Physical 

The Body and Mind having the fuel to express a vitalistic life.  A life that has the ability to move freely through the world with Energy, Immunity, Strength, Agility and Flexibility. 


Pillar #2: NeuroChemical

The Body’s internal ability to power and nourish itself the critical abilities responsible for Higher Brain Chemistry, hormone production, fertility, digestion, nutrient absorption, waste elimination, and a superior immunity.  

Pillar #3 Mental/ Emotional 

The healthier the brain and nervous system are, the better we are able to transcend accumulated mental and emotional stresses, given the healthy tools to do so.  

Physical- 101

The Body is the store house of vitality, and with a healthy functioning Body, the Mind and the Creative Energies of manifestation have the ability to shine through. 

When it comes to your physical health, the Body takes on the shape of our behaviors over time. The Body and Mind is a living and responsive vessel that learns and is impressed by experience. Our muscle tone, bones, tendons and ligaments, are only as strong (or weak) as our previous behaviors had nourished them to be. 

So if someone is sitting all day, the Body will do no more than is required to sit. In reality, you will probably notice that most people hunch over and round their spine over time not even meeting the demands needed to sit in a healthy way. That is because gravity is always acting on our bodies and the spine.  And without expansion and growth, the spine and skeletal system that is designed to be fully upright and antigravity will collapse under the stress. 

The Body is a very powerful network that is interlinked with every other system of the body.  From the muscles to the spine to the organs to the brain.  And just as much as you can change the Body via the Mind you can change the Mind via the Body and its expression.  So When it comes to the physical aspect of Your-Body, movement and activation of this Energetic communication network for the Body to the Mind is Key. 

NeuroChemically – 101

The key to NeuroChemical mastery is to strengthen the organs and glands systems  of the Body.  As the organs and glands of the Body regain their strength and vitality they are able to eliminate the toxicity and create the essential nutrients that will feed back into the organs, glands, muscles and Mind for vitality and regeneration.

At the highest level, the Body operates through sensory-inputs and motor-outputs. 

Inputs support our state of nutrition absorption and awareness of ourselves with the environment.  While outputs are there to support our physical movements, actions and systems of detoxification and waste elimination.  When the Body doesn’t receive or is unable to absorb adequate nutrients, the Body and Mind experience deficiency or too little of something. When the Body is unable to get rid of waste properly, the Body and Mind experience toxicity or too much of something.

Aging and dis-ease are a result of the combination of deficiency and toxicity.  An Imbalance of this kind creates excessive inflammation and oxidative stress (cancer) in the Body. Therefore, any strategy to combat aging and dis-ease must address these!

This Key step feeds you the essential nutrients for a strong and robust digestive, immune and hormone system.    


Mental/ Emotional – 101

The Gut and the brain are connected in such a unique way.  The Gut is literally considered the Second Brain of the Body.  The healthier the heart, organs and glands, the better neurochemistry and brain waves the Body and Mind are fed.  And the healthier the Body and Mind are, the better we are able to process everyday accumulated mental-emotional stresses, given the healthy tools to do so. 

As you activate the higher Gut-Brian centers, the Body Mind systems open up to communicate and integrate with healthy energetic-neurochemistry.  This clear network supplies us the balance, strength and vitality needed to process our mental and emotional state.  It is this innate Strength and Power that has no limits and no boundaries, where we express our gifts to the world, and change our life and health from the inside out. 

When Gut-Brian communication is in dis-stress and Dis-ease. The Mental and Emotional ability to develop, process life’s choices, learn, and let go of past traumas, is shadowed by mental fatigue, brain fog, confusion and immune deficiencies.  

By applying Healing Techniques to the systems of the body.  The Body and Mind provide the neurochemistry and the brain waves to support new development.  This Physical restoration of the Body and Mind gives Mental and Emotional tools like: Mindfulness/meditation, Hypnosis, NLP, Emotional Freedom, Neuro-Emotional, Reiki, other Energy based Techniques, and Plant medicines, a strong foundation to awaken and move One out of PTSA, coping mechanisms and reactions that can create dis-harmony in one’s life .    

Your Mind Body

The Mind and Body have the ability to let go and regenerate from dis-stress given the right Environment and supportive SelfCare processes.  Here you will get a step by step program designed to inspire, educate, and support your in Healing and Ascension Process.

A program that is designed to familiarize you with the systems of the Body and the tools for Self-Healing.  You will learn the systems of the Body and Mind and the How to, for each of them separately and collectively. The more you activate these systems, the more you will notice Your-Body and Mind manifest your desired effect.

No matter if you’re new to Body and Mind Healing Techniques or a veteran. This program will provide you with the experience, knowledge, and useful applications of these hands-on Healing Techniques.

You will personally experience how these hands-on Techniques support stress-reduction and vital-expression to your other wellness practices like Yoga, QiGong, Exercise science, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Epi-Genetic therapy, Energy work, Prana, Reiki, Visualization, Ceremonial work, and many other healing practices. 

Lets Thrive!

Your Guide to Thriving in the 21st Century

The Healing Techniques you will experience  will show you where you can take immediate actions to improve your Health and Ascension Process. As you step into the practices that open up the Channels of Healing the Body and Mind you will experience powerful fundamentals, and routines to accelerate your growth and Healing Process.

You will see and experience that you are the Empowered-One and that your wellbeing is truly in your hands. Just as you can change the Body through the power of the Mind. By healing the physical Body you build up and align the container, THE BODY, that harnesses the power of the Mind and Spirit.

We live in a time where it’s essential to take the power of our Body back as we are woken up to the power of our Mind and what our race is capable of.

You will build a road map and an understanding in your Mind on how the Body works and how to get the systems of the Body activated, communicating and integrating: Love, strength, power, and vitality.  Where it is possible to take this Energy and apply it to any area of your life, and cultivate and manifest the Life you’re passionate about living.

This is Healing at its finest. Join me!